
Showing posts from April, 2024

Colour collages #davidjdills 2022-4

Growing up seeing media images from magazines like LOOK, LIFE, Saturday Evening Post, and National Geographics, I developed a periodical clipping file as a dynamic visual language to communicate thoughts. Creating a visual concept takes a period of internalization but feel sense of chance and surprise choosing particular elements to express an idea. It evokes in me the wonderment of a child viewing a diverse social universe as I tell my stories... After leaving Oregon for Scotland, I wasn't doing much with #photocollage until the last couple of years. I used the medium to illustrate my music history blog but really got more into it in the last two years after reorganizing my magazine clippings [circa 1930s-early 1970s]. Now post retired, I created simple collages when the mood strikes or want to communicate an idea besides other little projects. Here are some I like from 2022-2024. Notes: I work with both colour and bxw images and this represents a few colour