
Showing posts from September, 2023

Halloween collages

Halloween collages by #davidjdills: In modern times October/November continue to be a time to celebrate the mysteries of death besides mystical aspect of the natural world and supernatural happenings beyond explanation. It is also a time to celebrate the changing seasons of fall when nights grow longer in the northern hemsphere. Although the roots of Halloween dates back to Scandenavian and Roman tradition, it is celebrated in various parts of western Europe, Great Britain, Mexico, the United States,Canada and around the world. Depending where you are in the world, Halloween is known as All halloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve. "Halloween traditions have spread worldwide and have become increasingly popular in Europe. Each country still remains unique and has its own way of celebrating life and death." In Ireland and Scotland, Samhain, The ancient Celtic festival of Samhain is the original Halloween. "So, for one night, the souls of the dead, spirit